Because they make us better

The trust you place in us has to be earned. To earn it, we have chosen to be ourselves, faithful to the values of loyalty, commitment and responsibility that characterize us every day. They are part of our DNA, informing our choices, shaping our actions and driving us to excellence.


At AS Biz Dev, loyalty is as important as ever. It shapes our work and is the cornerstone of our customer relations.

For us, loyalty means having a deep respect for who you are: whether you're a modest SME or a major industrial group, whether you're based in Europe, Asia, North America or the Middle East, we adapt our working methods to your business practices, with the utmost consideration for your culture.

For us, loyalty means keeping our word: with us, there are no risky promises or untimely budget overruns - you'll know exactly where you're going. We tell you what we do, and we do what we tell you, with the realism that befits rigorously monitored specifications.

For us, loyalty means, above all, integrity: the relationship of trust we build with you demands unwavering loyalty to your project, throughout its execution.


Working with you involves more than just a few signatures on the back of a contract. It implies the unwavering commitment of an entire team at your side to take your business to where we've planned it to be. Our investment knows no borders or time zones : no matter how many kilometers we cover, no matter the time difference, our time frame is that of the field, the objective to be reached and the deadlines set. We adapt to all constraints... as long as they are essential to the success of the project. Far from rushing in headlong, we take care to involve ourselves with discernment and pragmatism: what can be done must be done, in all honesty and transparency. So you'll never be presented with a fait accompli. On the other hand, once we've clearly identified your problem, we'll work to provide you with the most reliable solution , with the self-sacrifice and perseverance befitting our definition of a job well done.


AS Biz Dev is not the fruit of a personal ambition detached from ecological and societal issues. On the contrary, we want to make our own small contribution to the virtuous edifice of sustainable development. Since its creation, our company has been committed to a responsible approach, and we're proud of it!

Our responsibility is economic: we strive to offer fair pricing, pay our bills on time and support local suppliers.

Our responsibility is a social one: we are committed to respecting workers' rights, developing equal opportunities and diversity, guaranteeing health and safety in the workplace, and training our staff.

Our responsibility is environmental: we reduce our carbon footprint by traveling only when necessary. We limit and recycle our waste, encourage the use of recycled materials and favor short trade and supply circuits.

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